Child Care License Defense

Michael Benavides
Child Care Defense Attorney
(916) 596-1018
If you received an Accusation seeking revocation of your license to operate a Child Care Center or Family Child Care Home call Sacramento Law Group LLP today at (916) 596-1018. When you call license defense attorney Michael Benavides for a free same-day phone consultation you will learn more about critical deadlines, fees and how Michael can defend your license at a formal administrative hearing.
WARNING! You have limited time to file a Notice of Defense to preserve your right to an Administrative hearing.
The Basics of Child Care License Defense
If you’re reading this you may have been served with an Accusation. In brief, an Accusation looks like a court document and lists the alleged Title 22 and Health and Safety Code violations for which the Department of Social Services is attempting to revoke your license. If the Department believes your alleged violations to be serious you may also receive a Temporary Suspension Order which will effectively close your facility prior to hearing.
Once you receive an Accusation you have a limited amount of time to file a Notice of Defense to preserve your right to an Administrative hearing. If you or your attorney do not timely file a Notice of Defense the Department will adopt a Decision and Order revoking your license.
Child Care Centers
Child care center licensees have invested heavily in their business, making the consequences of losing their license to operate all the more severe. Accordingly, many child care center licensees choose to fight the Department’s administrative action to revoke their license. In the end, the cost of hiring an attorney who practices child care license defense can be far less than the cost of losing a license.
To receive a free consultation with attorney Michael Benavides call Sacramento Law Group at (916) 596-1018.
Family Child Care Homes
Many family child care home licensees make a sincere effort to comply with regulations, but despite their best efforts fall short of strict compliance. For whatever reason these family child care home licensees may fall on a “short list” of Community Care Licensing’s “problem” facilities and experience frequent inspections. With enhanced inspections come additional citations, unfortunately leading to a Non-compliance conference of license revocation action.
Attorney Fees
To help clients afford legal representation license defense attorney Michael Benavides only charges flat fees for representation. Furthermore, the flat fee is divided between representation before hearing and representation at the hearing. In other words, clients are charged a flat fee for services before hearing, and should their matter proceed to hearing a second flat fee will be charged. This process allows clients whose case settles before hearing to save money.
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