Operating a child care center or family child care home requires technical compliance with overly burdensome Title 22 regulations. Common violations such as overcapacity or out-of-ratio can lead to increasing visits from C.C.L. and mounting deficiency citations. With enough citations the Department of Social Services may take the serious measure of issuing an Accusation to the licensee which serves as notice of the Department’s initiation of an action to revoke the child care license.
If you have received an Accusation from the Department of Social Services you must call a license defense attorney for a free consultation. To preserve your right to an Administrative Hearing and defend your license you must file a Notice of Defense and request discovery before certain deadlines. Therefore, all licensees who have received an Accusation are advised to seek immediate legal counsel.
Michael Benavides defends child care centers and family child care homes in license revocation actions. He regularly defends licensees before the Office of Administrative Hearings against the Department of Social Services. Through his experience Michael understands that DSS & CCL investigations can be biased and unfairly interpret events against the licensee. Accordingly, Michael approaches each case with an unbiased review of the facts and crafts a defense that best achieves the goals of the licensee. At times the licensee’s goals are best achieved through settlement with the Department to avoid the cost and uncertainty of a hearing, while other times a formal hearing is required.
Michael Benavides has an advanced legal education that helps him better represent health and child care facilities. In addition to receiving a Juris Doctor Michael Benavides received an LLM in Law and Government with Certification in Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice and Health Law & Policy.
To learn more about defending your license for a flat fee payable by credit card call license defense attorney Michael Benavides at (916) 596-1018.